
The following pages will talk through the projects that have been carried out by me and what skills I have used and acquired.



Intro -
The project that I am currently taking on is controlling a robotic arm with thoughts. In order to do this I will have be able to read and take in thoughts and then use them to trigger preprogrammed responses in the arm.


The lynx robotic arm is the hardware that is going to be used in this project. This arm can be programmed using a multitude of different languages. The main language that I will use to program this arm is Labview.


Lynx Robotic Arm


The EPOC headset is the hardware that will be used in order to read a person's brain waves. This hardware can be used with Labview by manipulating the .dll file in the installation files making it compatible to work with the robotic arm.


EPOC Headset


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  Copyright Chris Woods 2013 ©.